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Daily Musings

Yokote Park, Akita.
  Below you will find some of the things that we have found interesting or frustrating as well as the things that have challenged us or brought a smile to our face.  They will be short and sweet but will hopefully give you some insight into daily life here as a Family JET. 

Feb 2, 2011: 
I am just realizing how much our kids diet has changed here.  In Toronto we ate healthy. We ate a lot of Japanese food (My wife is Japanese Canadian) but it was low fat, low sugar, and low salt. Whole grain bread was a staple.  Fruit, vegetables, and beans we on their plates more than rice or meat.   
      Now everything seems to have so much salt.  Fruits and veggies are so much more expensive and sometimes prohibitively so.  We have found some good cheap low fat milk and yogurt.  We have found some low salt alternatives. We buy brown rice and add barley to it to increase the fiber content.  But it has taken time and a lot of effort to get to this point.  I have found my 4 year old's tastes have changed and it is going to take some effort to get back to the more healthy eating we were used to.